Rude Awakenings and Ragged Island Fun

The beautiful sunset and fresh slipper lobster on the southern tip of Long Island had us in love with our magical lives… But that didn’t last long. The wind switched and the boat started rocking, just a little bit though and I was nearly rocked to sleep, weary to the bones from my day of diving.

Then the rocking and rolling got a little worse, then a little worse, then even worse, till finally we were being thrown out of bed!! Why!?! Argh, just want to go to Sleep!!!!

Sleeping was out of the question now though, instead we were running a fire drill around the boat trying to store everything before it crashed to the floor.

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Long Island, not the New York one

Whoa, what happened there!?! We we’re nicely blogging along once a week and then, BAM, 5 weeks passed! Many apologies for the long absence, we’ve got our dog ate our homework excuse all ready though… We’ve had no internet! oye, I forgot a world could exist without internet for so long. We’ve been in very remote part of the Bahamas, Cuba (where they had internet but very limited) and have now just arrived in Panama after a long passage so there are plenty of stories backlogged to tell you all. We’ll try to keep the posts coming fast and furious now that we’re back connected to the world, for now enjoy Alyssa’s rendition of our Long Island escapades and we’ll have you all caught up on our adventures in no time, Thanks for your patience!!

Last we left off we had just stumbled upon some young cruisers at Rum Cay when Adam had pulled up to the wrong boat at night…

Continue reading “Long Island, not the New York one”